"Pelletier, C."

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Nombre de documents archivés : 5.


Pelletier, C. et Raymond, L. (2023). Investigating the strategic IT alignment process with a dynamic capabilities view: A multiple case study. Information & Management . p. 103819. ISSN 0378-7206 DOI 10.1016/j.im.2023.103819

Pelletier, C., Croteau, A.-M., Raymond, L. et Vieru, D. (2020). Achieving social IT alignment through the orchestration of IT assets: an interpretive case study. Information Systems Management . ISSN 1058-0530 DOI 10.1080/10580530.2020.1733712

Pelletier, C. et Martel, V. (2019). Accompagner la transformation numérique des PME: une perspective écosystémique de la création de valeur. Revue Organisations & territoires, 28 (3). pp. 63-75. ISSN 1493-8871 DOI 10.1522/revueot.v28n3.1084

Pelletier, C. et Cloutier, L. M. (2019). Conceptualising digital transformation in SMEs: an ecosystemic perspective. Journal of Small Business and Enterprise Development, 26 (6-7). pp. 855-876. ISSN 1462-6004 DOI 10.1108/JSBED-05-2019-0144

Document issu d'une conférence ou d'un atelier

Pelletier, C., L'Écuyer, F. et Raymond, L. (2023, January 3-6). Digital transformation capabilities in manufacturing SMEs: Gaining agility through IT capability configurations. Dans 56th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, Maui, Hawaii.

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