Caring for people with Alzheimer's disease who show defensive behaviours. Part 2: Situation-specific fundamentals of care practice process


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Rey, S., Voyer, P., Gauthier, M., Savoie, C., Hardy, M.H., Bouchard, S. et Dallaire, C. (2021). Caring for people with Alzheimer's disease who show defensive behaviours. Part 2: Situation-specific fundamentals of care practice process. Journal of Nursing and Practice, 4 (1). pp. 279-289. ISSN 2578-7071 DOI 10.36959/545/395

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This article amis to present a clinical practice process which is essential for nurses and nursing students caring for people living with Alzheimer's disease (AD) who show defensive behaviours. This discursive paper introduces the Defensive Behaviours Practice Process based on relevant nursing knowledge previously presented. The Defensive Behaviours Practice Process is presented with an algorithm and a clinical form. A clinical scenario presents Mrs. Barbara Henderson, 80, who shows defensive behaviours. We can follow the nurse Florence in her first stages of clinical process with Mrs. Henderson, her family and the formal caregivers. Several tools are integrated in an innovative way, for example a Retrogenesis genogram and ecomap. The Defensive Behaviours Practice Process integrates the main stages nurses should realize for a person living with AD who show defensive behaviours. The process helps the nurse to identify compromised needs and to plan relevant interventions with the person, family and nursing team.

Type de document: Article
Mots-clés libres: Dementia care Fundamental care Nursing practice Nursing process Aggression management Family-Centred care 3
Date de dépôt: 22 juill. 2024 19:11
Dernière modification: 22 juill. 2024 19:11
Version du document déposé: Version officielle de l'éditeur

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