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Nombre de documents archivés : 54.


Abboud, J., Lardon, A., Boivin, F., Dugas, C. et Descarreaux, M. (2017). Effects of Muscle Fatigue, Creep, and Musculoskeletal Pain on Neuromuscular Responses to Unexpected Perturbation of the Trunk: A Systematic Review. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, 10 (667). ISSN 1662-5161

Afolabi, I., Ksentini, A., Bagaa, M., Taleb, T., Corici, M. et Nakao, A. (2017). Towards 5G network slicing over multiple-domains. IEICE Transactions on Communications, E100B (11). pp. 1992-2006. ISSN 0916-8516 DOI 10.1587/transcom.2016NNI0002

Ayissi Eyebe, G., Bideau, B., Boubekeur, N., Loranger, É et Domingue, F. (2017). Environmentally-friendly cellulose nanofibre sheets for humidity sensing in microwave frequencies. Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical, 245 . pp. 484-492. ISSN 0925-4005 DOI 10.1016/j.snb.2017.01.130

Battaglia, M., Garon-Carrier, G., Côté, S. M., Dionne, G., Touchette, E., Vitaro, F., Tremblay, R. E. et Boivin, M. (2017). Early childhood trajectories of separation anxiety: Bearing on mental health, academic achievement, and physical health from mid-childhood to preadolescence. Depression and Anxiety, 34 (10). pp. 918-927. ISSN 1091-4269 DOI 10.1002/da.22674

Beliveau, Peter J. H., Wong, Jessica J., Sutton, Deborah A., Simon, Nir Ben, Bussières, André E., Mior, Silvano A. et French, Simon D. (2017). The chiropractic profession: a scoping review of utilization rates, reasons for seeking care, patient profiles, and care provided. Chiropractic & Manual Therapies, 25 (1). ISSN 2045-709X DOI 10.1186/s12998-017-0165-8

Berteaux, D., Gauthier, G., Domine, F., Ims, R. A., Lamoureux, S. F., Lévesque, E. et Yoccoz, N. (2017). Effects of changing permafrost and snow conditions on tundra wildlife: Critical places and times. Arctic Science, 3 (2). pp. 65-90. ISSN 2368-7460 DOI 10.1139/as-2016-0023

Bérubé, F. et Bourassa-Dansereau, C. (2017). Présentation du GERACII : groupe d’études et de recherches axées sur la communication internationale et interculturelle. Communication, technologies et développement (4). ISSN 2491-1437 DOI 10.4000/ctd.895

Bideau, B., Bras, J., Adoui, N., Loranger, E. et Daneault, C. (2017). Polypyrrole/nanocellulose composite for food preservation: barrier and antioxidant characterization. Food Packaging and Shelf Life, 12 . pp. 1-8. ISSN 2214-2894 DOI 10.1016/j.fpsl.2017.01.007

Briand, C., Sieu, N., Skulski, É., Borgeat, F., Todorov, C., Prévost, F.-Y., Roederer, G., Luyet, A. et Lesage, A. (2017). The Intervisions cliniques continuing medical education program: A forum for exchange and mutual knowledge development between general practitioners and psychiatrists. Journal of Family Medicine and Disease Prevention, 3 (2). DOI 10.23937/2469-5793/1510055

Briand, C., St-Paul, R.-A., Dumont, A., Longpré, L., Chayer, A., Côté, M. et Saint-Georges, C. (2017). Cuisinons Ensemble : une pratique nouvelle favorisant l’autonomie et la responsabilisation des personnes atteintes de troubles mentaux graves. Nouvelles pratiques sociales, 29 (1-2). pp. 29-51. ISSN 0843-4468 1703-9312 DOI 10.7202/1043391ar

Brockhusen, Simon Sidenius, Bussières, André, French, Simon David, Christensen, Henrik Wulff et Jensen, Tue Secher (2017). Managing patients with acute and chronic non-specific neck pain: are Danish chiropractors compliant with guidelines? Chiropractic & Manual Therapies, 25 (1). p. 17. ISSN 2045-709X DOI 10.1186/s12998-017-0148-9

Brûlé, A.-M. et Drolet, M.-J. (2017). Exploration des dilemmes éthiques entourant le traitement de la dysphagie à l’enfance et leurs solutions : perceptions d’intervenants. BioéthiqueOnline, 6 . ISSN 1923-2799 DOI 10.7202/1044617ar

Brûlé, A.-M. et Drolet, M.-J. (2017). Exploration des dilemmes éthiques entourant le traitement de la dysphagie à l’enfance et leurs solutions: perceptions d’intervenants = Exploring the ethical dilemmas surrounding the treatment of childhood dysphagia and their solutions: practitioners' perceptions. BioethiqueOnline, 6 . ISSN 1923-2799 DOI 10.7202/1044617ar

Bussières, André (2017). Canadian Chiropractic Guideline Initiative (CCGI) progress and future directions: December 2017. The Journal of the Canadian Chiropractic Association, 61 (3). p. 186. ISSN 0008-3194 1715-6181

Bussières, André E., Maiers, Michele, Grondin, Diane et Brockhusen, Simon (2017). Selecting and training opinion leaders and best practice collaborators: experience from the Canadian Chiropractic Guideline Initiative. Journal of the Canadian Chiropractic Association, 61 (1). pp. 53-64. ISSN 0008-3194

Cherpozat, L., Loranger, E. et Daneault, C. (2017). Ultrasonic pretreatment effects on the bio-oil yield of a laboratory-scale slow wood pyrolysis. Journal of Analytical and Applied Pyrolysis, 126 . pp. 31-38. ISSN 0165-2370 DOI 10.1016/j.jaap.2017.06.027

Claude, F., Ramadan, H. S., Becherif, M. et Boulon, L. (2017). Heat management methodology for enhanced global efficiency in hybrid electric vehicles. Case Studies in Thermal Engineering, 10 (Sep.). pp. 325-334. ISSN 2214-157X DOI 10.1016/j.csite.2017.06.006

Dao, XCJ., Blais-Hébert, R., Duranleau, L., Marie-Pier, D., Litowski, J., Turbide, J. et Bussières, A. (2017). Complex regional pain syndrome: Facilitating the use of self-management strategies. Edorium Journal of disability and rehabilitation, 3 . pp. 46-55. ISSN 2456-8392 DOI 10.5348/D05-2017-30-OA-6

Delahaigue, J., Chatelain, J.-F. et Lebrun, G. (2017). Influence of cutting temperature on the tensile strength of a carbon fiber-reinforced polymer. Fibers, 5 (4). p. 46. ISSN 2079-6439 DOI 10.3390/fib5040046

Dépature, Clément, Lhomme, Walter, Bouscayrol, Alain, Boulon, Loïc, Sicard, Pierre et Jokela, Tommi (2017). Characterisation of the electric drive of EV: on-road versus off-road method. IET Electrical Systems in Transportation, 7 (3). pp. 215-222. ISSN 2042-9738 2042-9746 DOI 10.1049/iet-est.2016.0060

Doyon, Alexandra, Paradis-Tanguay, Laurence, Crispino, Frank et Lajeunesse, André (2017). Les analyses médico-légales de salives: expertise vis-à-vis l'analyse des drogues. Journal of the Canadian Society of Forensic Science, 50 (2). pp. 90-102. ISSN 0008-5030 2332-1660 DOI 10.1080/00085030.2017.1303254

Drolet, M.-J. (2017). L’ergothérapeute: un professionnel de la santé? Vraiment? Dans quelle mesure? = Occupational therapist: a health professional? Really? In what way? BioethiqueOnline, 6 . ISSN 1923-2799 DOI 10.7202/1044615ar

Drolet, M.-J. et Goulet, M. (2017). Les barrières et facilitateurs à l’actualisation des valeurs professionnelles: perceptions d’ergothérapeutes du Québec. Recueil annuel belge francophone d’ergothérapie, 9 . pp. 7-42.

Duchesne, L., Martin, S. et Michallet, B. (2017). La résilience chez les adultes ayant une surdité acquise : une étude exploratoire = Resilience in adults with acquired deafness: An exploratory study. Revue canadienne d'orthophonie et d'audiologie, 41 (2). pp. 157-173. ISSN 1913-200X

Fernet, C., Trépanier, S.-G., Demers, M. et Austin, S. (2017). Motivational pathways of occupational and organizational turnover intention among newly registered nurses in Canada. Nursing Outlook, 65 (4). pp. 444-454. ISSN 0029-6554 DOI 10.1016/j.outlook.2017.05.008

Fonrouge, C. (2017). Crowdfunding et diasporas : le financement participatif vient-il remettre en cause les acteurs du financement diasporique? = Crowdfunding and diasporas: Do crowdfunding practices challenge players involved in project financing in their former homeland? Innovations, 52 (1). pp. 211-231. ISSN 1267-4982 DOI 10.3917/inno.052.0211

Gaudreau, M.-A., Sgard, F., Laville, F. et Nélisse, H. (2017). A finite element model to improve noise reduction based attenuation measurement of earmuffs in a directional sound field. Applied Acoustics, 119 . pp. 66-77. ISSN 0003-682X DOI 10.1016/j.apacoust.2016.12.003

Gélinas, S., Bélanger, K., Gonçalves, G. H. T., Barbosa, M. L. L. et Balbinotti, M. A. A. (2017). Factor analysis of the 9-item Psychological Stress Measure in a French Canadian non-clinical student sample. Saúde e Desenvolvimento Humano, 5 (3). ISSN 2317-8582 DOI 10.18316/sdh.v5i3.4201

Goulet, M. et Drolet, M.-J. (2017). Les enjeux éthiques de la pratique privée de l’ergothérapie : perceptions d’ergothérapeutes = Ethical issues in the private practice of occupational therapy: perceptions from occupational therapists. BioethiqueOnline, 6 . ISSN 1923-2799 DOI 10.7202/1044613ar

Imhoff, Sarah, Lavallière, Martin, Germain-Robitaille, Mathieu, Teasdale, Normand et Fait, Philippe (2017). Training driving ability in a traumatic brain-injured individual using a driving simulator: a case report. International medical case reports journal, 10 . p. 41. ISSN ISSN: 1179-142X ESSN: 1179-142X DOI 10.2147/IMCRJ.S120918

Labelle, F., Courrent, J.-M. et Spence, M. (2017). Préférences des PME en matière de politiques publiques de responsabilité sociale des entreprises : une comparaison France-Québec = SMEs’ preferences in terms of public policies for corporate social responsibility: A France-Quebec Comparison = Preferencias de las PYME en cuanto a las políticas públicas de responsabilidad social corporativa: comparación entre Francia y Quebec. Management international / International Management / Gestiòn Internacional, 21 (3). pp. 130-144. ISSN 1206-1697 DOI 10.7202/1052770ar

Larouche, Marie-Claude (2017). Des étudiants, touristes chez eux? Du patrimoine urbain en classe de sciences humaines. Formation et profession, 25 (2). pp. 102-104. ISSN 1718-8237 DOI 10.18162/fp.2017.a126

Lecours, A., Sauvageau, A., Cantin, N. et Therriault, P.-Y. (2017). Conception et évaluation d’ateliers de formation visant à développer un comportement préventif au travail chez les élèves en apprentissage d’un métier. PISTES Perspectives interdisciplinaires sur le travail et la santé, 19 (3). ISSN 1481-9384 DOI 10.4000/pistes.5475

Lemoyne, Jean, Poulin, Caroline, Richer, Nadia et Bussières, André (2017). Analyzing injuries among university-level athletes: prevalence, patterns and risk factors. Journal of the Canadian Chiropractic Association, 61 (2). pp. 88-95. ISSN 0008-3194

Liang, Laurel, Bernhardsson, Susanne, Vernooij, Robin W. M., Armstrong, Melissa J., Bussières, André, Brouwers, Melissa C., Gagliardi, Anna R. et Members of the Guidelines International Network Implementation W, Group (2017). Use of theory to plan or evaluate guideline implementation among physicians: a scoping review. Implementation Science, 12 . pp. 1-12. ISSN 1748-5908 DOI 10.1186/s13012-017-0557-0

Mejri, M., Toubal, L., Cuillière, J. C. et François, V. (2017). Fatigue life and residual strength of a short-natural-fiber-reinforced plastic vs Nylon. Composites Part B: Engineering, 110 . pp. 429-441. ISSN 1359-8368 DOI 10.1016/j.compositesb.2016.11.036

Nana, Alexandre, Cuillière, Jean-Christophe et Francois, Vincent (2017). Automatic reconstruction of beam structures from 3D topology optimization results. Computers & Structures, 189 . pp. 62-82. ISSN 0045-7949 DOI 10.1016/j.compstruc.2017.04.018

Ouyang, J., Lin, M., Zou, Y., Zhu, W. P. et Massicotte, D. (2017). Secrecy energy efficiency maximization in cognitive radio networks. IEEE Access, 5 . pp. 2641-2650. ISSN 2169-3536 DOI 10.1109/ACCESS.2017.2667882

Paquet, A., Dionne, C., Joly, J., Rousseau, M. et Rivard, M. (2017). Supervision of large-scale community-based early intensive behavioural intervention programs in Quebec: Description of practices. Journal on Developmental Disabilities, 23 (1). pp. 54-63. ISSN 1917-7909

Perreault, N., Lévesque, E., Fortier, D., Gratton, D. et Lamarque, L. J. (2017). Remote sensing evaluation of High Arctic wetland depletion following permafrost disturbance by thermo-erosion gullying processes. Arctic Science, 3 (2). pp. 237-253. ISSN 2368-7460 DOI 10.1139/as-2016-0047

Piat, M., Sofouli, E., Sabetti, J., Lambrou, A., Chodos, H., Briand, C., Vachon, B. et Curran, J. (2017). Protocol for a mixed studies systematic review on the implementation of the recovery approach in adult mental health services. BMJ Open, 7 (7). e017080. ISSN 2044-6055 DOI 10.1136/bmjopen-2017-017080

Pinto, Maria Antonietta et El Euch, Sonia (2017). Développement métalinguistique chez de jeunes enfants bilingues comparés à des monolingues. Cahiers de l'ILOB, 8 . pp. 95-115. DOI 10.18192/olbiwp.v8i0.2119

Poirier, Éric (2017). Entre comparaison et raison : la qualité de la traduction automatique. Circuit (133). ISSN 0821-1876

Porcino, A., Solomonian, L., Zylich, S., Gluvic, B., Doucet, C. et Vohra, S. (2017). Pediatric training and practice of Canadian chiropractic and naturopathic doctors: A 2004-2014 comparative study. BMC Complementary and Alternative Medicine, 17 (1). ISSN 1472-6882 DOI 10.1186/s12906-017-2024-5

Sabri, V., Sattarpanah, S., Tahan, S. A., Cuillière, J. C., François, V. et Pham, X. T. (2017). A robust and automated FE-based method for fixtureless dimensional metrology of non-rigid parts using an improved numerical inspection fixture. International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 92 (5-8). pp. 2411-2423. ISSN 1433-3015 DOI 10.1007/s00170-017-0216-2

St-Amand, Jérôme, Girard, Stéphanie, Hiroux, Marie-Hélène et Smith, Jonathan (2017). Participation in sports-related extracurricular activities: a strategy that enhances school engagement. McGill Journal of Education, 52 (1). pp. 197-206. ISSN 1916-0666

St-Amand, Jérôme, Girard, Stéphanie et Smith, Jonathan (2017). Sense of belonging at school: defining attributes, determinants, and sustaining strategies. IAFOR Journal of Education, 5 (2). pp. 105-119. ISSN 2187-0594 DOI 10.22492/ije.5.2.05

St-Jean, Étienne, Tremblay, Maripier, Janssen, Frank, Baronet, Jacques, Loué, Christophe et Nafa, Aziz (2017). May business mentors act as opportunity brokers and enablers among university students? International Entrepreneurship and Management Journal, 13 (1). pp. 97-111. ISSN 1554-7191 1555-1938 DOI 10.1007/s11365-016-0397-4

St-Jean-Pelletier, F., Pion, C. H., Leduc-Gaudet, J. P., Sgarioto, N., Zovilé, I., Barbat-Artigas, S., Reynaud, O., Alkaterji, F., Lemieux, F. C., Grenon, A., Gaudreau, P., Hepple, R. T., Chevalier, S., Belanger, M., Morais, J. A., Aubertin-Leheudre, M. et Gouspillou, G. (2017). The impact of ageing, physical activity, and pre-frailty on skeletal muscle phenotype, mitochondrial content, and intramyocellular lipids in men. Journal of Cachexia, Sarcopenia and Muscle, 8 (2). pp. 213-228. ISSN 2190-5991 2190-6009 DOI 10.1002/jcsm.12139

Stuber, Kent, Kawchuk, Greg et Bussières, André (2017). Research resource environment in Canada. Gathering knowledge in advance to inform chiropractic research priorities. Journal of the Canadian Chiropractic Association, 61 (3). p. 178. ISSN 0008-3194

Taylor, S. C., Laperriere, G. et Germain, H. (2017). Droplet Digital PCR versus qPCR for gene expression analysis with low abundant targets: From variable nonsense to publication quality data. Scientific Reports, 7 (1). ISSN 2045-2322 DOI 10.1038/s41598-017-02217-x

Tchiehe, D. N. et Gauthier, F. (2017). Classification of risk acceptability and risk tolerability factors in occupational health and safety. Safety Science, 92 . pp. 138-147. ISSN 0925-7535 DOI 10.1016/j.ssci.2016.10.003

Tremblay, C., Coulombe, V. et Briand, C. (2017). Users' involvement in mental health services: Programme logic model of an innovative initiative in integrated care. International Journal of Mental Health Systems, 11 . Article 9. ISSN 1752-4458 DOI 10.1186/s13033-016-0111-5

Viscogliosi, C., Asselin, H., Basile, S., Couturier, Y., Drolet, M.-J., Gagnon, D., Torrie, J. et Levasseur, M. (2017). A scoping review protocol on social participation of indigenous elders, intergenerational solidarity and their influence on individual and community wellness. BMJ Open, 7 (5). ISSN 2044-6055 DOI 10.1136/bmjopen-2017-015931

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