"Eilayyan, O."

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Nombre de documents archivés : 2.


Gaid, D., Eilayyan, O., Ahmed, S. et Bussières, A. (2024). Enrollment, adherence and retention rates among musculoskeletal disorders rehabilitation practitioners in knowledge translation studies: systematic review and meta-regression. Implementation Science Communications, 5 (1). Article 51. ISSN 2662-2211 DOI 10.1186/s43058-024-00585-w

Eilayyan, O., Thomas, A., Hallé, M. C., Tibbles, A. C., Jacobs, C., Ahmed, S., Schneider, M. J., Al Zoubi, F., Lee, J., Myrtos, D., Long, C. R. et Bussieres, A. (2022). Promoting the use of a self-management strategy among novice chiropractors treating individuals with spine pain: A mixed methods pilot clustered-clinical trial. PLoS ONE, 17 (1 Janu). Article e0262825. ISSN 1932-6203 DOI 10.1371/journal.pone.0262825

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