Design and pv-biogas hybrid micro-network optimization for isolated zones to electrical grid


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Traoré, B. M., Dansoko, M., Danioko, F., Doumbia, M. L., Traore, B. S., Sangaré, M. et Ba, A. (2022). Design and pv-biogas hybrid micro-network optimization for isolated zones to electrical grid. International Journal of Current Research, 14 (3). pp. 21112-21119. ISSN 0975-833X DOI 10.24941/ijcr.43332.03.2022

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This paper deals the electrification problems in African rural localities particularly in Malian localities. One solution is to develop the renewable energy sources due to their enormous resource which is inexhaustible and their production mode which preserves environment. To increase the energy production and to manage the intermit tent period of renewable resource, it will be interesting to combine divers renewable sources. In this hybridization of renewable energy sources context, the PV-Bio mass hybrid system becomes very interesting compared to others hybrid energy systems, due to his high flexibility and low dependency to meteorological conditions . These properties place the PV-Bio mass hybrid energy system as one of the bests systems in reliable and sustainable energy production for rural areas. In this study, we propose a PV-Bio mass hybrid energy system with energy storage to produce 100 % renewable energy and to preserve at the same time the environment . This hybrid system is studied under HOMER PRO software in order to identify the optimal configuration in terms of reliable energy production, sustainable and minimal cost over the hybrid system life cycle. The obtained results after simulation show that the optimal configuration is composed of a biogasgenerator of 100kW, a PV field of 160kWc and a battery park for reliable and sustainable energy production with a low cost over the life cycle of the hybrid energy system for Kolokani locality.

Type de document: Article
Mots-clés libres: Hybrid System Biogas Generator PV System Optimization Cost on Life Cycle
Date de dépôt: 22 déc. 2022 19:48
Dernière modification: 22 déc. 2022 19:48
Version du document déposé: Version officielle de l'éditeur

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